
                               We all know Tik-Tok got banned, and many people lost their so-called job and people like me got relieved cause whether it is Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, Tik Tok got spread like water everywhere. And now we got Holy offering  - 'REELS'😑                            NO OFFENCE AT ALL (might start reeling at some point of life, mtlb tabtak shayad koi naya update aa jaye) The point is not to be a critic but to highlight that there is a much life out, much to learn, much to give. Visuals appear more appealing to everybody, I agree But imitating and being someone you are not, that's wrong. "its time to start making people understand it is a privilege to be in your life"   (kaha tak copy karoge , eventually you have to be you at last)   And some might have forgotten who they really are.. means it...


 Having my -

                             " Hum toh udd gaye, udd gaye, udd gaye."                                                      
                                                     moment here.
 Be the person who cares is what have I learnt for so long, from the family, the closest friend and the people who are around not so close but shows gestures of looking after.

                  "world doesn't need any more carelessness; any more disregard."

Believes the softness , goodness of the people around, beauty of being open and trusting.
because there is nothing stronger than someone being soft where people are not kind .

Like a small gesture of saying hello  or thanks to people who work for you would make a lot of difference in the world which is getting more more cruel time by time.

Like the Akka that works for us in the hostel  , she comes daily for cleaning in the room, she cleans it with broom and then moping the same, regularly without fail she comes and clean the bathroom as well. 
Before  Diwali she came and I asked her to clean inside the bed, i moved the bed, the side desk and further more like removing spider's web all around, and she did it with utter gentleness, without complaining she did it, took half an hour and cleaned the whole room.
I said her thanks and gave her some nuts to eat as well cause that's what I had a that time , money would not gave her smile that a packet of nuts gave to her at that was priceless, first she said me 'cappita" that means you eat i don't want it's okay but  I insisted, also I had 3 more packets of them, my dad shows extra love by giving me extra snacks which I could barely complete alone.

And there is nothing stronger than making someone happy and showing a soft gesture to someone who works for you in this era where no one talks to each other without work we could make a small difference by doing the same. 




I apparently keep all the stuffs in my pockets all the time.🙈🙈


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