

We all know Tik-Tok got banned, and many people lost their so-called job and people like me got relieved cause whether it is Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, Tik Tok got spread like water everywhere.

And now we got Holy offering  - 'REELS'😑                            NO OFFENCE AT ALL
(might start reeling at some point of life, mtlb tabtak shayad koi naya update aa jaye)

The point is not to be a critic but to highlight that there is a much life out, much to learn, much to give.

Visuals appear more appealing to everybody, I agree
But imitating and being someone you are not, that's wrong.

"its time to start making people understand it is a privilege to be in your life"


(kaha tak copy karoge , eventually you have to be you at last)

And some might have forgotten who they really are.. means itna emulate kr chuke hai ki yaad h nhi khud the kya - Strange I Know.

How to know the real you - when you talk to your family and friends or closest people, or you are around them, that's the real you, not that you show on social media or mock-up around people you don't know.

There is a slight difference in following a person and imitating them, that's what we all need to know.

Let's ask from you, each one of us follow some celebrity, politician, players, or any other big names.
But the question is are you following them, the tussle they went through and hard work they did ?          ( nepotism aur wo sab abhi side rkha jaye.)
Most of you will say NO, (most likha apne pe mat lena, if you are doing go on)
Popular culture made people want to look popular and act like popular without any functioning.

(democratic country hai sabke pass rights hai, powder ko hawa mei udake video banake log popular ho rhe hai, aur kya dekhna baaki hai😂😂😂😂)

And if we talk about nepotism, that is something no one can end, har jagah hai, if I see around me I can make you count the example of it and not someone I don't know.
You giving money somewhere for a chore, or handling family business which is already on stakes, all this is what we call nepotism or patronage, all are the same. (toh iski baat toh nhi krte)

These are all facts, we all read, we all know.


"Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to somebody else's highlight reels"


This is your reminder that outside of these perfect tiny squares there is stuff going imprecise, there are tears, meltdowns and blunder, and a whole heap of mess.
Because we are human beings and life is never straight forward or positive all the time.
...but a huge amount of it is and that's what you see on here. 

" Don't compare your messy bits to somebody else's best bits."

 Give satisfaction to yourself, not to others.

Work hard, keep going.

I got messages like why so active suddenly and ki saree creativity ek sath nikal rhi...


The brain has rusted.

Require oiling.

And the rest is history.

( Ha didn't rhyme, Ik 😑)

But I know you can be more creative than I am, the comment box is all yours)

P.S.- trying my best to be consecutive, and more engaging and interesting for sure.

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Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow

Until then, stick around!!!



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