Hey Hey Hey ...
When you guys were small did you ever got worried about for your worth, doubted your ambition or hesitated for saying no or ever you felt low for asking any kind of help from the people around you?
Does the lion, tiger, elephant, or snail apologize for who they are or try to conform their behavior to the expectations of others? There are a pecking order and competition for water, food, mates. They live their lives in the moment, not in the past and not in the future. So why should you apologize for your existence as a higher form of an animal?
when you were small you wanted to become a doctor, pilot, car driver, Batman, Superman, Chota bheem and what not... ( ya Chota bheem go and ask any nursery student you 'll get this kind of answers.)
I may be ahead of people my age, but that isn't my goal. I want to be ahead of just about everyone. I refuse to take a break. That's how I get ahead and continue to get ahead. If I want to be accomplished and established I cannot simply "take a break and have fun." It's quite the intimidating mentality to some of my peers. They tell me to quit something, pretending that it is for
my own good when it's really to make themselves feel better about being a senior in college and lifeguarding all summer.
But that is what we all do including me, - " Abhi Toh holidays hai we'll relax.

Why should you apologize for going after something that you want? Ambition is not a thing to apologize for.
Sadly, it’s unfortunate that there are so many admonitions against saying, “I’m sorry,” because it is often what’s required for the injured party to let go of anger, resentment, and grudges that only continue to cause them hurt and pain.

We should realize that we are afraid of saying no because our biggest fear is rejection. We are afraid that every time we do this, we would disappoint someone, make them angry, hurt their feelings, or appear unkind or rude.

Saying no doesn’t mean that you are being rude, selfish, or unkind.

The second step to learning to say no is realizing that you are valuable and choosing your own opinion about yourself over others. If you live your life depending on other people’s approval, you will never feel free and truly happy.

Is it really worth it? This step to learning to say no is deciding if saying yes is really worth it.


If you stand up for yourself, there will be consequences.
People will call you arrogant, selfish, a jerk, rude, and many other adjectives.
They will hate you. But this isn’t hatred. In reality, it’s jealousy – of your guts to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in. After all, people often hate those whom they want to be like.
Lastly, Ask for help, ya you should and no need to feel shy about it or apologize for the same.
Have you ever had the (often very uncomfortable) experience of being showered with apologies while hearing a request for help? “I’m so sorry to ask you for this, but I could really use your help with this assignment. It’s terrible that I have to ask. I really should be able to do it myself, and I know you are so busy. I just really hate myself for asking.” Ugh.

Often, those seeking help are so busy trying to establish that they are not personally weak or greedy that they turn the focus away from the helper and onto themselves. They say things like, “I’m not normally the type that asks for help . . .” or “I wouldn’t ask you if I had a choice . . .” or even “I hate having to ask you for this . . .”
Asking for help isn't at all a shame act...
And apologizing for all these make you a weak person.
Stay strong,
be brave, 
love hard and true, 
and you will have nothing to lose.

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