
                               We all know Tik-Tok got banned, and many people lost their so-called job and people like me got relieved cause whether it is Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, Tik Tok got spread like water everywhere. And now we got Holy offering  - 'REELS'😑                            NO OFFENCE AT ALL (might start reeling at some point of life, mtlb tabtak shayad koi naya update aa jaye) The point is not to be a critic but to highlight that there is a much life out, much to learn, much to give. Visuals appear more appealing to everybody, I agree But imitating and being someone you are not, that's wrong. "its time to start making people understand it is a privilege to be in your life"   (kaha tak copy karoge , eventually you have to be you at last)   And some might have forgotten who they really are.. means it...

Spot the creation.!!!

                                      okay hello, guys!!!

So here I am going to talk about a very general topic, let it we call as #chitchat or whatever you wanna call it as. I am kind of person who wants to talk to anyone around me cause I love talking i"ll just pick up someone and start blabbering my thoughts, people who know me might know it very well. yeah, I do but nowadays this technology has drifted all the things away from every individual out there. Including me, if we are traveling, everyone has their phone in hands with earphones in. we are 4 people in the room everyone is with their phone and lappy in hand.
like communication is diminished cause of this technology. parents are all into culture like if they want their children not to disturb them they hand them a phone to play, I mean that is not something at all considered or accepted. Give them toys to send them out to play, but technology isn't a toy, everyone needs to understand.
"I could remember when I was a child I used to cry for playing out even in exams like when it is 6 pm and I am down to play and as 8 strikes I used to be like with! now mumma will call. And now we need to pull out children to send them out to play. Even we have become lazy and we delay things, yes we do, I do."

If I am studying or I am talking with people I have always phone in my hand idk why but it has become a habit now. I used to think it's cool to be active on social media and all but its seriously an addiction and don't you think we are going wrong massively as a generation of people. Human communication is all decreased now and not the particular age group or something nooo!!!! all of them small children to the oldies, everyone.
and I realized a day or 2 before when my all friends were busy here and there and I am a talking buzz I mean I like to talk a lot. About random things about the day and everything that goes into my life here and there. ( and blogging is a part to communicate massively, this is all side business cause like people knowing what's going on with me and in my head, I know I have a lot of people around d me to talk but still, I want to share it with the bunch of people, not a bunch of they are reading even this but okay.)

And when I called my 2 3 peer people, someone is watching the match, someone is chatting, playing the game, watching series, in short, no one has time to communicate nowadays. F**k technology.

I mean I am not antitechnology at all, I am into electronics and communication.
And my people around me know how much I talk, I call anyone anytime and talk my heart out like anything. but now even I do use my social media handlers all day, scrolling and scrolling lying on my bed, not doing any productive thing nothing to myself.

 I should say if you are going to be parent, keep your kids away from the technology as much as you can. I mean like when I was the child I used to imagine and question what if? most of the time they were the hilarious questions.;/ I used to write a diary every day as "I went to ice cream shop today but my black currant flavor was not there toh I adjusted to the choco chip one." But now I am too lazy for that too.

living in the hostel I rarely see people talking to their parents and telling them about their day and all. you 'll play games all night, not sleep and when your parents call in the morning what you say - I am sleeping, and what your parents say-okay sleep call when you wake up. and you forget. and then they wait for your one call, and talking with them for 5 min will never cost you much.

I would say put your phone down talk to people around you, talk to your family, cause you 'll get more stories from them than any IG or any social handle stories.

People are amazing. People are gorgeous. You will be surprised at how much is your kind as you. 
follow my IG account for regular updates - @kitwizzz
comment about what further you want me to write about and even you can DM me or mail me on

for all the readers' convenience, I 'll post a blog twice a week and the days will be decided soon so you can all come and visit my site as per your convenience.

until then stick around!!



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