
                               We all know Tik-Tok got banned, and many people lost their so-called job and people like me got relieved cause whether it is Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, Tik Tok got spread like water everywhere. And now we got Holy offering  - 'REELS'πŸ˜‘                            NO OFFENCE AT ALL (might start reeling at some point of life, mtlb tabtak shayad koi naya update aa jaye) The point is not to be a critic but to highlight that there is a much life out, much to learn, much to give. Visuals appear more appealing to everybody, I agree But imitating and being someone you are not, that's wrong. "its time to start making people understand it is a privilege to be in your life"   (kaha tak copy karoge , eventually you have to be you at last)   And some might have forgotten who they really are.. means it...

#2 lockdown is over

The first  two lockdowns are over but 3.0 version is still on its way, so we are still home

What I did for the in the first 21 days lockdown is sleep made food and ate it and played all kinds of indoor games possible to let it be Uno, Carrom, Monopoly, and whatnot.

Made everything except that dalgona or whatever is it. (not a fan of coffee, ik being in Chennai and not liking coffee is like not being in GJ and not eating khaman.)

 I made my first ever pooris and I found I cannot make them round so tried with a bowl.

though it was a pleasant feeling after 4 5 pooris I was down and left.

The goal was to make them airy and it did so I kept it that I am done and satisfied.

some people might not know but it is the most satisfying feeling when the poori come up floating, it is like you won a battle against oil and dough.

"I enjoyed cooking a lot more than I thought I would by the time I was finished. I realized that the part that probably knocks some people out is going to the store to get the proper ingredients, but after that is done, then it is really pretty simple to follow a recipe. I liked how I was able to make food that I wanted and see a finished product by the time I was finished. Even though I have relatively bad anxiety about cooking and everything else, I was still able to accomplish this task successfully my Mumma nearby just in case anything went wrong. I would highly recommend trying to get into the kitchen and see if you like it because you never know what will happen unless you try!"

though everyone being at home now is trying to be Sanjeev Kapoor at their best.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

enjoy being at home, this time will never come back my friends, you 'll miss this time, you can nap, eat, watch as much as you can, you can invest in extracurricular learning. I know you all miss being out with your friends and hanging out, this time will eventually pass.

stay home stay safe.

Until next time stay tuned.


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